Personal Journey
Lauren and Brett were married over two years ago. He proposed under the Aurora Borealis in the Arctic Circle. They have two Japanese Chins: Gizmo and Gigi and also have a Persian Cat: Priscilla. Lauren Kobes is a Broker currently with Realogics Sotheby’s Int’l Realty in Kirkland. They live in the Seattle Area/Seattle Sprawl.
Lauren and Brett love to travel, experience new cultures, see new amazing places and experience the amazing world God created and experience his miracles, like saving his dad.
Brett has graduated from West Point (6th Kobes to graduate), Ranger and Airborne school, law school, business school and passed the WA State bar, but his proudest moment was giving his dad CPR for 6 minutes before the paramedics arrived. They had to shock his father’s heart 4 times to get it going. The ICU, ER, Neurologist and Trauma doctors all said he would never wake up from his coma and it would be inhumane to bring him back. Against the odds, his dad woke up, and Brett had the chance to be a part of saving his life! He is alive and well years later.
Contact Kobes Legal PLLC to discuss how Brett can help you with your legal matters. Call 206-915-7177 or contact us online today.